Tuesday, June 19, 2007

WOOF! by Allison

(Allison's example of something woofy: "13 bug bites on one side of my arm that is really bad haha....its rather amazing considering i got them all in one night in my sleep and i look like a leper.")

At college this year the new word in my group of friends has been "woof." Actually i think one of them brought it from high school, but it caught on in our group of friends. "Woof" can mean gross, nasty, i'm going to puke, or anything else that seems worthy of the word being used. This week at camp i accidentally said it around a few of the girl campers. they thought it was really funny and began saying it!

The word "woof" can take many different forms such as "Woofnasty," "Wooftastic," "Woofer," "Woofish," and "Woofy." Many people look at you funny if you say it, but it makes you laugh when you say it and it tends to express the feeling rather well if your in the right situation. Like say you ate to much for supper, you could say, "I'm gonna woof!" meaning "I'm SO full! or "I'm gonna puke!" So next time you're needing a great word to describe something really sick or how sick you really are, say "WOOF!"


Anonymous said...


That's really good. Only 13 bites. I was beginning to think that bug repellents weren't working in Kansas.

Allison and Amy said...

13 bites on my arm...i think i counted over 40 total :( bug repellents def. aren't working in KS.

Audrey said...

Woww! 13 on your arm? 40 total? Yah... I'd say they're not working at all!
Makes me feel woofy! =) hehe

Anonymous said...

Over 40 bites...that means there are a lot of bugs flying around KS carrying the Banmans genes!