Monday, June 25, 2007

Of Shoes, Storms and Sisters, by Jim

(Bonnie and Jennifer)

Judy's future daughter-in-law Jennifer and Jennifer's sister, Bonnie, who lives in Chicago, have been with us since Wednesday looking for the perfect wedding dress – casual yet dressy, practical yet special, outdoorsy yet elegant and then the perfect shoes and jewelry. She has found the right shoes, problematic for the rocky walk to the aisle in Colorado National Monument. Her real dress is to arrive in the mail.

Those two have been marathon shoppers, and departed this afternoon. We’ve really enjoyed them. They’re very much alike. Last evening another one of our nightly storms blew through but with brilliant, caramel-colored sunlit sky after the wind mostly subsided. Bonnie, a professional photographer, could not resist blazing away with this Wyeth-like light. So here are some of her terrific pictures including some Jennifer snapped of Bonnie, and one Judy took of the sisters.


Anonymous said...

I can probably speak for every female in this family as I ask, "Jennifer, can I have those shoes when you're done?!" They're GREAT!

Anonymous said...

Sure, Sue, but they're size 10! (I just hope I can handle the heels...)

Anonymous said...

As Natalie and her sleepover guest Chris Lamp opened the blog and saw your shoes, Jennifer, there were gasps all around. "Awesome!" Forget the dress, just go to the wedding in the shoes! What more could you need.

Anonymous said...

That's so weird... I mean, planning how to dress so much in advance! I cannot conceive this kinda stuff. I guess it's a woman's thing. Guys just grab the first thing they see in the closet five minutes before the event. But those shoes are worth the effort! They'll definetely leve a mark on the rocky walk to the aisle in Colorado National Monument!

Anonymous said...

I like to shoes too! Must sent photo of the dress ASAP!

Anonymous said...

The shoes? Now THATS cool!