Monday, June 18, 2007

Mary's Travel Plans, by Mary

Are you nervous about anything?
I'm not nervous about anything too much especially since I'll be with Bill and Irene from Philadelphia to Zurich but do not like trying to sleep on the plane. It's always nice to have an empty seat beside me but that usually doesn't happen. If I weren't with Bill and Irene I'd be nervous about landing in Zurich and will be coming back to the U.S. by myself but I've travelled alone quite a few times so should be fine.

What are you taking?
I'm taking a smaller piece of luggage that I'll check and then a carry-on and a large purse with the essentials like tissues, gum, a book, body lotion and other things.
Who’s taking care of Abby while you’re gone?
My neighbor, Sue will come in to feed Abby who as you can imagine, will not be happy to be left alone for two weeks. I always leave the radio on quietly for company for her and a soft blanket on my bed. Sue has done this before and usually after a few days, Abby gets really lonely and peeks her head around the bedroom door a few times. But no more!! Never know who you can trust! Chris and Jake will come and clean out her litter box several times. Isn't that nice?

How are you getting to and from the airport?
Paul will pick me up and take me to the airport.

What reading material are you taking?
Two books "The Last Time They Met" by Anita Shreve who wrote "The Pilot's Wife" which I enjoyed reading some time ago. Hertha sent me " The Poisonwood Bible" which she said is very good (an Oprah bookclub book) which will impress you all, I know.

How much are you going to miss us?
I will miss all of you very much. Actually, I'm sure I will - but know being with Bill and Irene and Sherry and Cyndy and family will keep me busy and I will enjoy being with them a lot.


Anonymous said...

Oh, please! Don't tell us that's actually your cat! No way of knowing, especially since no one but you has actually seen her.

Audrey said...

hehe yah..
Mom, couldn't you have put a cuter cat picture?? That's disgusting!