Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Zest Test, by Sue

In a recent comment to Jake’s Awesome Scab entry, Mary Banman made the following comparison of the Banman/Schattel’s Zack and the Sileci’s Cookie: “Seems he [Zack] has won my heart with his enthusiasm for life. I wish we could all have such spirit. Cookie's a fine dog but Zack has such.... zest.”

zest –noun
1. keen relish; hearty enjoyment; gusto.
2. an agreeable or piquant flavor imparted to something.
3. anything added to impart flavor, enhance one's appreciation, etc.
4. piquancy; interest; charm.
5. liveliness or energy; animating spirit.
6. the peel, esp. the thin outer peel, of a citrus fruit used for flavoring: lemon zest.

In Italian this would be “zestiboni”. In Portuguese, “zestitividade”. In North Carolina, “zay-est”.

Zest. Who could say that Zack lacks zest? Not I! But does Cookie lack zest and hence a place in Mary’s heart? And what of Laramie? Has he no zest? Audrey currently lives with a dog named Becky who might have zest. We can only imagine the a zest-filled life being lived under Mary’s bed. Has TJ and Jennifer’s cat zest? Where is the zest in Dad’s garden? And what of Maggie Sileci? Skinks = Zest! Perhaps the new Jammin’ Banman Stefan, living in Kansas and welcome to contribute at any time, has a pet with zest. What of the Banman/Schattel cats?

Not only animals have zest. I myself have moments of zest. I’ve seen Allison attack a box of Nerds with a certain zest. And Chris’s curling iron is used with what could only be called zest.

As you can see, it’s premature to measure zest and hence a winning place in anyone’s heart.

I’d like to now propose a ZEST TEST. Send us one or two photos of your pet doing something zestworthy. And/or send us one or two photos of yourself doing a zestworthy activity. And we will vote for the Jammin’ Banman, be he human or animal, with the most zest. Rules:
* All photos must be submitted by Sunday, September 2.
* You may add several descriptive lines if you think it will help your cause.
* The winner will receive an incredible prize, sent all the way from the Jammin’ Banman Headquarters in São Paulo, Brazil.
* All Jammin’ Banmans may vote, once the voting period has been established.
* If a Jammin’ Banman chooses not to vote or submit an entry, this person may not whine later on.
* The winner must send a photo of himself or herself enjoying the prize.

I’m on a quest to find zest. What about you?

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