Friday, July 13, 2007

Sandy Banman

A couple of weeks ago Vanessa, my partner-coach for track, and I found out that we had received the recognition of Class 1A Boys Coaches of the Year!! This was a complete surprise and an exciting honor. One of our fellow teachers immediately posted it on the sign in front of the school. Apparently the team points that are scored at league, regionals, and state are added together to determine this honor. A lot of credit goes to our gifted athletes. However, this makes things interesting, since a month ago at the BOE meeting our principal proposed a restructuring of the track program and it included moving both Vanessa and myself to asst. coaches and putting two males (and his buddies) in the head roles. He convinced the board, and that is what they did (even though he and one board member knew of this award, but I don’t believe it was mentioned). Anyway, this was totally Mr. Graves idea, but guess what, he also resigned at this meeting! So my Supt. has promised that this will be looked at again with the new principal. Anyway, we will receive our award at a coaches clinic and banquet in January.

I also have a part-time job for the summer. I’m working at Ratzlaff Draperies in Goessel. They make pillows, bedspreads, and curtains/drapes for mobile homes and pre-fab homes. They also pick up other odd jobs, which is why I was hired. They have taken on a job of making foam seat covers and vinyl wheel covers for Jr. Dragsters! The company is in Newton, and builds cars but also sells parts through a catalog. I guess the previous supplier was not keeping up with demand. So Ratzlaff’s made some prototypes and they were accepted. I’m working from 6:30am-12:30pm most days, but if a deadline is critical, I work until 4pm. You can see these on the web at Motivational Tubing and look in the catalog for these two items. I’m doing all this on industrial sewing machines…..ZOOM!!! Sue, any pieces of advice?

Other than that, I spend time working in the yard and flowerbeds. This spring I purchased a long, awaited white rocking chair for the porch. You can see it in my “Better Homes and Gardens” photo!

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Anonymous said...
