Sunday, July 8, 2007

TJ Gerlach and Jennifer Hancock

Hi Everyone! Here's a quick update from Grand Junction (AKA "Wedding Central") Just wanted to let you know we're singing "Banman Banman BoBanman, Banana Bana Bo Banman... Banman." Sileci and Schattel don't work so well with that one... Curses!

What's up in July?
The last four weeks of unmarried life. We're thick into picking out a wedding cake--TJ likes fresh flowers, Jen likes stylized icing and sugarpaste. We do agree on the cake toppers. TJ's nickname among his friends is "Bigfoot", and Jennifer (like a lot of you, apparently) is a Gemini and was never allowed a Barbie as a kid.

What is one thing you learned in June?

TJ: Lobsters never age.

Jen: The first line of "A Wrinkle in Time" is "It was a dark and stormy night" and Madeleine L'Engle is American. I guess I knew the first bit, since I read it many times as a child. I'd just forgotten.

What about those New Year's resolutions?

Jen: We spent New Year's in Munich, and I think that my "resolutions" were simply to a) get safely back to the hotel from the Olympic Park, and b) make our flight home the next morning. Result? I accomplished both, all before January 2. I highly recommend that approach.

TJ: I'm sure resolutions were made, but the memories are clouded by steins of German beer. One of them may have been to drink fewer steins of German beer...

Anything else?
We went to Daytona Beach, Florida, for a week in early June to grade Advance Placement essay exams (students take them as juniors or seniors in high school to try to get college credit). There were over 900 high school and college English teachers, and all together we graded over 300,000 student essays. There was a little beach time, and we spent most evenings at a little boardwalk arcade, playing Skeeball.

Have a great July! We're hoping to chat with Audrey and Natalie at some point while they're in Maine, and will expect regular updates from Italy! We wish everyone could be at the wedding, but we are practical and know that's just silly... we'll let you know what crazy things happen, and Jim will post photos in August. Love to you all!

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