Sunday, July 8, 2007

Jim Banman

What’s up in July?
Sailing. We're sailing away. In the words of Christopher Cross:

That'll be Audrey, Natalie, Judy and I next week as we meet in Boston Saturday (July 7), and then meander up the coast to Boothbay Harbor in Maine. There all of us will learn to sail a 19-foot sailboat at Boothbay. I'm counting on my shipmates to become first-class seawomen and win the regatta next Thursday. That'll be Audrey at the helm, then Natalie with the wind in their faces, rain at their backs, slickers slickened and jaws jutting to bring us home in first place in the tradition of the PACA Warriors. Then the Real Captain - that would be Susan - meets us on Friday the 13th for four days in Boston. Everyone departs in different directions on July 18. The sailing camp is an intergenerational Elderhostel activity, so we'll have a grand time with other adults and kids Natalie and Audrey's age.

We'll have a lobster lunch on the beach, which I know the girls are looking forward to, and an evening learning to tie knots - a skill every kid in Sao Paulo should know. Just like sailing the open waters of São Paulo. You just never know.

What is one thing you learned in June?
What's really important. That's after our third funeral in a short time.

How about those New Year's resolutions?
I will whisper this one. Colonoscopy. Done! Regular exercise. Done twice weekly since January 6. Nothing's left.

Anything else?
* Well, the most disheartening news flashes:The sale of Yarrow Gardens, after my 33 years of involvement, continues to fester. The buyer keeps coming up with new ways to frustrate us.
* Next in line is our 9-year-old front-yard ash tree, which is slowly dying. The diagnoses: overactive daffodils at its base, a root-strangling wire basket, ash borers, drought, overwatering or old age. We've even considered this (per Joyce Kilmer): "A tree that may in summer wear a nest of robins in her hair."
* Those destructive robins! And then there's the wooly thyme surrounding our flagstone in back, which our non-English-speaking landscape crew murdered.
* And then there's our on-, off-, on-again plans for a safari in Kenya in September.
* Fun in the sun? I had a marvelous Fourth of July helping hundreds celebrate at Four-Mile House, where I am a docent. The 1859 log house was like a sauna. We spent the evening with Linda, Stan and Michael Massey, our next door neighbors, awaiting the fireworks at our nearby country club. No luck by 9:30 so we called it a day. Just as Judy and I walked home KABOOM and there it was.

Our picture of the month:
A hot old Colorado summer day. And no rain in sight.


Anonymous said...

I like your robin quote.

Does anyone ever try to trip you up with trick questions at the Four Mile House?

P.S. Notice Audrey & Natalie's date to meet you is 7-7-07, what a lucky day. Sue's date of arrival... Friday the 13th! Coincidence, or...?

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