Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sandy gets it, by Sue

What was your favorite moment at the North Carolina family reunion?

Oh, there are too many to choose from. But I loved our night of beach volleyball. Within that, a little thing that never fails to make me laugh is a moment when I was playing next to Sandy and a ball came our way. I headed towards it, tripping and drooling in my own private sandstorm while Sandy stepped up firmly and announced, “I’ll get it.” My only response was, “OK! You do that!” as I stumbled off blindly in another direction. She’s the Clint Eastwood of volleyball, I swear.

I also dearly loved the two hikes we middle-aged parents made. Hours and hours of walking and talking did me a world of good. I want more! (Picture of Steve and Chris getting ready for the initial descent from the Appalachian Trail.)

What's hot and what's not for August?
I’m enjoying my new volunteer class of 26 six-year-olds. It’s never an issue of not having enough enthusiasm or energy, believe me.

A good friend bought a quilt I’d given to a charity auction. While it didn’t sell for the millions I feel it was worth, her joy at taking it home made up for it. It couldn’t have found a better home.

I’m back to working out and limping around most of the week as I struggle to work off North Carolina pancakes and Dad’s homemade pizza and beer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pretty quilt. I lika a lot.

A friend of ours was over this week and described a hike which he and his friends took on the trail leading around Fontana Lake, across the dam from where we were. They met up on the trail with an enormous black bear. They were from Ohio and didn't know what to do; they did the exact wrong thing - one of them drew his measley pocket knife; the group turned their backs to the bear and tiptoed away. After a minute they looked behind them and the bear had gone into the woods.