Sunday, August 17, 2008

Allison's cool, Allison's pretty, by Allison

What was your favorite moment at the North Carolina family reunion?

I think my favorite moment at the reunion was playing volleyball (or falleyball in our case) with everyone, watching Sue do ballet routines was entertaining :) I do not have a picture of this, which is too bad.

I think another great moment on the trip was when Natalie, Audrey, Jake, and I were at the pool and we were all floating around the lazy river. There was a little girl with a really ugly hair cut, she pulled the hose out of the water (which was squirting ice cold water) and made a fountain-type thing for us to float under, we didn't like this idea. Natalie said in a really stern voice “Put that down now! Like NOW!” then realizing how harsh it sounded said “You're cool, you're pretty.” I don't think it made a difference, but the girl didn't seem bothered. Then next day at the pool we met this girl again only on the stairs going into the pool, the girl swam up to us and popped her head out of the water, and sprayed this mist all over us with her mouth. Natalie looked at her and said “Thanks for spitting in my face” then again, to make it better said “You're cool, you're pretty.” This probably isn't funny to anyone but the ones that were there, but that moment was good enough to make it onto my facebook quotes.

What's hot and what's not for August?
Whats hot and whats not in August is a hard question, but one exciting thing is me and Craig just got a REAL cell phone plan by ourselves, no more prepaid phones!!! What isn't hot is that I have to go back to school to volleyball practice (in a really hot gym).

This picture means nothing to anything i talked about, we just had fun making a new workout, it was actually sort of hard.


Anonymous said...

hahahahah allison! yeah, i mean, i felt guilty after saying that to the kid, so i had to make up for it, know what i mean?! :)

Anonymous said...

whos the guy with the phone? is that your other grandpa allison... is that your new phone? sweet!

Anonymous said...

Let us know your number so we can send you all kinds of juvenile text messages, kay?!