Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The 2007 Zestiest Jammin' Banman!

My mailbox was jammed with excited voters from all over the world! And while everyone received votes for zest (some even responded to Paul’s tricky reverse psychology by voting for Paul, just as Paul had planned), we had a clear winner.

Jammin' Natalie Sileci!

Natalie’s prize is a fun-filled afternoon at the Interkart go-kart race track. This prize includes:
* A full period of action-packed driving for Natalie and one friend!

* Hairpin turns in a rented helmet and balaclava!
* Photos on the victory podium!
* A print-out indicating fastest lap and zestiest speed!
* An invitation to this friend for a sleepover! This will include many treats such as movies from Blockbuster, a healthy dinner, a less healthy snack, a delicious breakfast and lots of time to show zest!
* Plenty of pictures for the Jammin' Banman blog!

A Singalong Celebration for Jammin' Natalie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Natalie. Rent something good at Blockie-BUS-ter.