Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Zesty Final Round!

We have closed the ballot boxes with a loud slam. The semi-finals are over and the Zesty Banmans are nearly ready for the final vote.

There was one clear winner: Natalie Sileci, two points ahead of her nearest competitors.

There was a three-way tie for second place: Bronco Bustin’ Mary, Nemo and Zack.
And in third place: Man of Action, Paul.

And yet, just so close to entering the final round were Allison, Jake and the Steve and Sandy duo photo.

To decide on the final winner, there will now be an essay contest. All of the five individuals above will need to submit an essay on why they believe they are the zestiest of the Jammin’ Banmans. This essay cannot exceed 100 words.

We will then cast our final votes, based not only on the zesty photos we have all come to love but also on the essay portion of the competition. I’m sorry to say that there will be no swimsuit portion, as Paul’s bikini was destroyed by a flash flood earlier this year.

Finalists, start your essays!

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