Thursday, October 16, 2008

And the Nano Award goes to...

Sue with Coffee, Tea on Me!

Yes, all that coffee and milk made a big mess all over the bathtub, Riccardo’s feet and Natalie’s socks but it was so worth the hours of clean up time to be able to share this moment with you.

And worth it all the more so because
I cannot accept my prize.

Why? There are really only three DVDs in this world that every family must own:
* Dumb and Dumber
* The Sound of Music
* Haidong Gumbdo With The Stars
(featuring Maureen McCormick, “Marcia” of The Brady Bunch)

Fortunately, I own all three and watch them once a week if possible. I have no DVD needs as Riccardo has us covered in the Godfather and Sopranos category and Audrey and Natalie own “Headbutting for Dummies, Parts 1 and 2”. No family really needs more.

So here’s what I’d like to do. Like the Miss Universe context, there is a runner up – a person in nanosecond place, as it were. Should Miss Universe (me, in this case) be unable or unwilling to fulfill her duties (select a DVD, in this case), the runner up should step in and choose a DVD (one DVD at under $20, in this case). This runner up should fulfill all of the winner’s obligations and duties. This includes saying thank you and getting the DVD out of the box without breaking the box or the DVD itself.
And now, without wasting another moment...

The runner up is…
Craig Banman
with Jumpin’ Jack Jive!

Craig must now bow to the roaring crowd before him, humbly accepting the praise, nodding and smiling without betraying panic as the screaming fans try to storm the stage.

He must then choose a DVD from and tell the nanocommittee which it is. And, just because the winner (Sue, in this case) was so nice, he must promise to think of her next time he makes a touchdown and do the action in the picture below with any of his teammates he wishes to. It must be so.

Congratulations Craig Banman,
Jammin’ Nanoguy!

Monday, October 6, 2008


OK! We have 14 nanosecond pictures to choose from,
pictures that range all the way from
truly incredible to truly amazing!
We are one nanofamily, I say!

It's time to vote. A few rules:
* You may not vote for yourself.
* You may vote for three pictures.
* The creator of the picture with the most votes wins a free DVD.
* You have until Thursday, October 9 at noon EST to cast your votes.
* All votes should be submitted to Sue at
* You may vote even if you didn't submit a photo.

Congratulations to all of the nanosecond creators!
* Messes were made
* Muscles were used
* Crackers were eaten
That's what we Jammin' Banmans are all about.

Hee Yah!, by Allison

Levatating on a Sunday Afternoon, by Allison

Heads Up, by Chad

Hop To It, by Craig

Jumpin' Jack Jive, by Craig

Busy Bees, by Jim

Crackin' Crackers, by Allison

It Will Be Mine, by Allison

Get A Whiff of This, by Natalie

Great Palms of Fire, by Riccardo

Find My Face, by Riccardo

Coffee, Tea on Me, by Sue

Catching Flak, by Steve

Balls A-Whirling, by Steve